Solid Wall Insulation Grants from the Government's ECO Scheme

If your home has solid brick or solid stone external walls, you may qualify for a grant for solid wall insulation with Grants4u

Solid Wall Insulation Grants

Solid Wall Insulation Grants are available from the Government’s ECO Scheme.

Solid external walls can either be insulated on the outside (External Wall Insulation) or on the inside (Internal Wall Insulation).

Solid Wall Insulation Grants are available to help install both External Wall Insulation and Internal Wall Insulation.

Solid Wall Insulation Grants – External Wall Insulation

External wall insulation involves fixing a layer of insulation material to the external surface of your home’s walls. This is then covered with a special type of render or cladding. The finished surface can be smooth, textured, painted, tiled, panelled, pebble-dashed, or finished with brick slips.

External wall insulation can be installed without disruption to the inside of your home and does not reduce the floor area of your home

External wall insulation will change the appearance of the outer walls of your home. Something to consider if your home has feature stone walls.

External wall insulation will improve the weatherproofing and sound resistance of your home

External wall insulation can increase the lifespan of your walls by protecting the external brickwork.

External wall insulation can reduce condensation on internal walls and can help prevent damp (but it will not solve rising or penetration damp).

External wall insulation may need planning permission.

External wall insulation requires good access to the outer walls of your home.

External wall insulation is not recommended if the outer walls of your home are structurally unsound.

Solid Wall Insulation Grants are available to help install External Wall Insulation.

Solid Wall Insulation Grants

Solid Wall Insulation Grants are available from the Affordable Warmth Scheme section of the Government’s ECO Scheme.

An ECO levy is placed on every household’s electricity bill with the money fed into the ECO Fund. Money from this fund is awarded as grants to help install new heating systems and insulation in homes.

Solid Wall Insulation Grants are available under this scheme for householders who receive one of the qualifying benefits.

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To learn more please about this scheme please visit the GOV.UK website. You can read more about what the energy company’s obligations provides for Free boiler funding.

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